Saturday, April 14, 2007

AUTUMN of 1942 – Father in Jail

My father was a pioneering journalist in Kannada and published a newspaper called TAINADU ( Motherland) from Bangalore. It was the foremost newspaper of the erstwhile Mysore state during the freedom struggle. He also published an English newspaper called The Daily News. The newspapers faced the wrath of the rulers on several occasions.

He kept track of what was happening in the world and made note of these events in his diary. The remarks were very brief, just a sentence long. Sometimes just a phrase. 1942 was a tumultuous year in the country. This was the year of Quit India. And the year when my the newspapers were suspended for writing against the government and when he had to spend some time in jail.

Following are scanned piks of the pages of his diary:


7TH Aug 1942:


9th Aug 1942:

Gandhi ,Nehru , Azad and W.C members arrested this morning at Bombay and taken to Poona


Aug 17, 1942:

TAINADU and DAILY NEWS suspended publication : Police firing in Bangalore

8th Sep 1942 : Arrested at midnight

18th Sep 1942 : Bail granted by high court ; Released from central jail at about 10 p.m.