Life is a journey towards either the Buddha
or the Crab nebula
and sometimes both (Acc to Webster's dictionary , To catch a crab means ' to drift' ! )
Returned to India in 1978 Sep after 10 and half year's stay in US
III. Bombay/Mumbai ( 1979-2002)
Ooty (1979-1985)
KGF (1984-1990)
Pachmarhi (1986-2002)
Irvine, Calif (1988)
Los Alamos, NM (1989-1990)
Batavia (Chicago) 1992 Sep - 1993 April
Joined the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai in 1979 Feb
Upto 1985 lived mostly in Ooty/Bombay
Ooty (1979-1985)
Botanical Gardens near Cosmic Ray Laboratory in Ooty (7500 ft above seal level)
Bangalore (2002 - )
Ladakh (2003- )
Following is the Amrak Bungalow (High Energy Gamma Ray Observatory)-
Pachmarhi, Madhya Pradesh , India (1986-2002) and some other piks fromthe expt and the town.
Los Alamos (1988-1990)
View of Himalayas from Leh, Ladakh
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Ten and a half (B and C-2) - P.R.Vishwanath
II.United States of America (1967 Dec 28 - 1978 Sep 5)
I lived under all these 5 U.S Presidents (and more)
Ann Arbor, Mich (1968-1975)
Madison, Wisc (1970-1974)
Echo Lake,Colorado (1969-1973)
Sunspot, New Mexico (1975-1976)
College Park/Riverdale, Md (1976-1978)
Irvine, Ca (1988)
Los Alamos ,NM (1988-1990)
Batavia (Chicago), Il (1992 - 1993)
These are states where I spentmost of my time ( a total of ~ 13 years!)
These are my IDs in Univs of Michigan and Wisconsin
Ann Arbor
These are some of my adds The student newspaper Michigan Daily
1968 : The year of Discontent :
April 4: Martin LutherKIng Jr Assasinated
Also Robin Kennedy assasinated,Johnson abdicates,Eugene M'cCarthy as a candidate, Chicago Democratic convention, November election , Nixon wins
1969 : First man on the moon
Piks of Central campus (Diag area ), univ of Michigan , Ann Arbor(topleft clockwise)
(1) Diag in Fall (2) Another view of diag(3)MIch Union Bldg
(4) Physics (Randall ) Bldg (5) Diag in winter(View from my desk) (6) Main Library
American campuses, including Ann Arbor and Madison, witnessed student unrest for several years. Following are the ANN Arbor piks from 1969 and 1970 (courtesy web site of saxpics Top pik from69 shows the infamous local sheriff (Harvey) issuing warnings to students
The other pik from Fall of 70 shows a peace March.The slogan says BRING BACK OUR BOYS (fromVietnam). 1969 was also the year of WOODSTOCK
The first half of ' 70s
1970- started visting Madison Wisconsin
1970 May 25 _ Death of my father in Mysore
1970 to 1973 - Mostly out of Ann Arbor - Stay in Madison or Colorado
1974 : Completed my thesis; obtd Ph.D !
1971Indo-Pak war; Bangladesh born
1974 Nixon resigns
Some of Madison's piks : Below Fall in midwest ; Student Union terrace overlooking Lake Mendota; Physics Bldg; bascom hall; capitol building, Inside student union
More Piks from America in '70s
Clockwise : (1) Vietnam war slab (2) MASH TV series - starring Alan Alda (3) All in the Family TV Series - starring Caroll O'Connor (4) One of themost famous piks from Vietnam war (5) GRADUATE starring Dustin Hoffman (1968) (6) 1968- John Updike TIME COVER - His novel COUPLES reflection of American sexual mores (7) Annie Hall - starring Woody Allen and Diane Keaton (8) TV guide featuring Mary Tyler Moore (9) Central pik - central to it all were the Watergate Files
Following is Colorado - Echo lake (~11500 ft) where I did my thesis experiment (1) Road near the lake(2) / the log cabin where we lived (3) Rod to Mt Evans (14500 ft) (4) Our expt area inColorado (5) Anothr view of the lake/sign ( 6) Mt evans under clouds and summit lake
Piks taken in different seasons from 1969 onwards- 1973
My life in second half of '70s
1975 - Join U of Maryland as a post doc; stay in Sunspot, New Mexico for a year and half
1976 - Came to Maryland. Lived in College Park/D.C.
1978 Sep - I return to India after about 10 and a half years stay in USA
Sunspot New Mexico (1975-1976)
1976-1978 College Park,Md (DC)
India/World mid ' 70s
The Washinton Post; The paper I read from 1975 -1978; Also the main paper which investigated watergate scandal
1975 Emergency declared in India
1977 Jimmy Carter becomes US president
1977 Emergency lifted ; Jayaprakash Narayan
the new conscience of India
Back to India Sep 1978
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